Thursday, May 19, 2011

DIY Earring Holder

This is another jewelry holder project. it's an easy and cute way to hang your earrings! The few items you need to make this are:
  • A frame ( any will do, you can get cheap ones at the dollar store. If you have a lotta earrings-you need a big picture frame )
  • hot glue gun(optional)
  • staple gun
  • mesh like material or other thin material
  • any embellishments you want(optional)
  • optionally, clothespins to hold the fabric onto the frame while stapling.
First you're gonna take your frame, take off the back and glass-you don't need this,and material. Pin the fabric all the way around the edge with clothespins. Get your staple gun and staple all the way around close to each other pulling the fabric tight. Once you are done, you can stop here or keep going.

If you want to embellish, plug the hot glue gun in and glue on whatever you'd like. I did a big flower with fake pearls inside and stones around the frame.

This is the back of one of mine.

When you are done, simply poke the earrings through and put the stud on in the back. Either hang this or just lean it on a desk or vanity.

Monday, May 16, 2011

DIY Jewelry Holder

Hey, the truth is for girls, we all have jewelry-some way more than others :P.You are probably very tired with the jewelry all over and/or getting tangled.Also, I'm just redecorating my room :)  .This craft can hold rings, bracelets, or necklaces but not earrings(but don't worry because I'm gonna show you how to make an earring holder in another post!))Anyways, this is what you can make! And all of this is probably free for you! You will need:
  • a shoe box lid
  • wooden clothespins(amount depends on how much jewelry you have)
  • hot glue gun with about 2 sticks(mine is a mini glue gun)
  • sharp scissors
  • And any embellishments (like stickers or pictures, you probably don't want anything thick like fake flowers or you wont have room for your jewelry)
First, take your shoebox lid and start seeing where you want to put your "hooks/pegs". I had 10 which is 5 clothespins. You could divide it into a necklace area, bracelet area, and a ring area. To make your pegs, take a clothespin and twist it like in the picture separating them, you don't need the metal piece.

(sorry I don't have any pics)Take your scissors and poke holes where you want your pegs to be. Next, poke in one half of the clothespin, the flat side goes on the bottom. Also, the clothespin has bumps and one end is pointy, put the pointy end on the "wrong" side of the shoebox and stop inserting in when it locks at a bump(look at the picture if you are confused).Secure this with hot glue on the back of the box lid so you don't see it.

After you have repeated with all the pegs and are now done, you can decorate, hang jewelry, and get something sorta like this. Hope you enjoyed this project!