Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Nail Polish Organization, Nail Tools + Nail Polish Collection Part 2

First I'll show you a couple ways how to store your nail polish and stuff. Also pictures of what I have.

DIY Holder:
Basically, You just have tiers by using boxes and cardboard. To fold cardboard, use your scissors and drag it in a line where you want to fold the card board. I used a bunch of packaging tape, hot glue wood work too. Make sure you have ledges so your bottles won't slide off.

Cheap Holder from Fleet Farm:
So this is just sort of a shelf thing.

My tools and supplies.

My nail polishes.

These were rocks that I put on a towel to walk on,
 all your nerves end in your feet so this is just like a massage.

My nail tools p.2 : Brushes 
I made these brushes my cutting them BTW.

And the difference between my brush and the nail art polish brush:

So as you can see, they are about the same, the one I made though is better.

Lastly, my second part of my nail polish colletion of august 2011:


Well, I hope you enjoyed my post!
Courtney :P

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Nail Polish Collection! #1

This is my nail polish collection which actually grew a lot before I posted this. So my newest ones aren't on here. And I was too lazy to add them because it's like 11PM.

 First: Sinful Colors(SC)
Second: Sally Hansen(all kinds)

Third: NYC
Fourth: Kiss Nail Art and LA Colors Art Deco

Fifth/Lastly: Random "lonely" polishes

Yeah so hope you enjoyed my short post about my collection :D

Random Updates and Stuff :)

Hi, soon I'll do some more nail posts about tools, designs, and even a DIY nail polish holder(which can also hold your tools and stuff). Also I'll tell you that the next couple nail designs are: puppy paw prints and zebra stripes.
Also please if you like my blog or any posts please become a FOLLOWER!!!

Am I the only one that sees a video or post on something that got so many views and I think I could either do that too or do that better? Thats why I am sharing some of my craft ideas with you guys. (of course though some things on the internet give me ideas and then I change them to my own style and with what I have to make it my own) Thanks though for the people that do read my blog, I really aprreciate it.
        Courtney <3

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

DIY dotting tool and 2nd nail tut.-Sparkly Purple Gradient/Fading Nails!

I want to show you how to make your very own nail dotting tool! :D You (or someone in your family) SHOULD have these things...

1st and small method- Get a bobby pin, and bend it! You can see the before and after pics.

         Before                                After

2nd and a bit larger method- A sewing pin and a pencil with some eraser on it. Again before and after.

         Before                                                             After   

Extra Methods- end of a small paint brush, a ink less ballpoint pen, the toothpick (especially the ones with a flat end) , and tons more things. You can pretty much use anything that is small and round. Hope that helped :)

Okay, so now onto these purple gradient type nails! Obviously my fave color is purple but you can use any color(s) for this design. :)
Okay so first the polishes I used:

Ok (from left to right): Purple Diamond by Sinful Colors, Purple Pizzazz Frost by NYC, Disco Ball by Sally Hansen Extreme Wear, and my top coat Invisible by Sally Hansen Extreme Nails. Of course though you can use any colors. I used a sheer polish instead of glitter for gradient nails-oh well. (If you are using a glitter polish skip down to Method 2: "Gradient Way")
To get started ( sorry by the way that I don't have pics for all of the steps), Method 1:
"Blended Way"
1. Do 2-3 coats of Purple Diamond by SC on whole nail.

2. Mix SC with a little bit of NYC on paper. Paint 3/4 of your nails with that first mixture.

3. Do half of the mix SC and other half NYC so it should get a bit darker. Use this second mix on half of your nail.

4. Now do mostly NYC and just a little bit of SC, mix that and do that on your tips, it doesn't have to be perfect-just take your time.
5. Next, take a clear or purple glitter polish and do one thin layer over your nails to make it look more blended.
6. Lastly, to finish it off, do a clear top coat.

Method 2: "Gradient Way"

You need one colored glitter polish and top coat.

1. Do one thin coat of glitterpolish over 3/4 of your nail. Wait a minute for that to dry a little.

2. Do one coat of the same polish over 1/2 of your nail. Wait another minute.

3. Again do another coat of same polish over the tips of your nails.

4. Do seal it in and to make it look shiny, give it one top coat.

Okay sorry if this was confusing at all... but I hoped it helped you some at least :) Also, tell me if there is something you'd like a tutorial on or if you have any questions or comments.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Camera and First Nail Tutorial-Cheetah Print!

Okay right now my camera isn't working so I have used my sisters for this post! I did a cheetah pattern on her nails.  You need 3 different colors of nail polish, a top coat, and a thin nail art brush like kiss, stripe rite, or art deco. If you don't you can also use a very thin paint brush and water based black or white acrylic paint.

Step 1: Do a base coat, the color should be light or dark and the spots being opposite. The color I used is Easy Going by Sinful Colors.

Step 2: Get a dotting tool(I will show you how to make one a bit later),drop some polish on paper, and make 4-6 dots on your nails. You can do one color for the spots or 2 like I did. For blue I used Aquamarine by Sinful Colors and for purple, Purple Pizzazz Frost by NYC.

Step 3: Get the black acrylic paint(or if you are using white)and brush to make little "c"s around the spots.
The paint i used was Black by Crafters Acrylic.

After you do this to all your nails, finish with a top coat so the paint doesn't come off easily and so everything looks shiny! The top coat I used is by Sally Hansen Extreme Wear. You should come out with something like this.

I hope you enjoyed! I will try to soon get a tutorial or something about how to make a naill dotting tool, maybe later today :D

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Sorry and nails!

OK, i have no idea how long i haven't been on here! Sorry but i will try to get some more posts up soon!
Also, I recently have started doing my nails a lot and doing cute designs! I am right now obsessed! I hope to soon do posts of my nails and my mom's nails because i do her nails every now and then.
    Bye for now. Courtney :)