Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Bottle Cap Pin Cushions!

Hey! Small things are so cute and so that's why I made these! BOTTLE CAP PIN CUSHIONS! With fabric or felt and a little stuffing, you can make one of these! Items needed;
  • bottle cap
  • hot glue gun or thread and needle
  • fabric
  • little embellishment(optional)
Get your bottle cap(clean) and cut a strip of fabric for the circumference and either glue it on or just wait to sew to other pieces.Glue(if sewing sew circle along edge with strip)the bottom circle on cap. Next, lightly stuff the bottle cap and get a circle for the top. Now glue edges or sew. If you want, make an apple or get something to put on the top's middle. I make a little apple on left and sewed it on. You could just glue it on though. And, you're done!

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