Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Flower accesories!

Here are some flowers I made! I bought flowers in a bunch from Michael's for 1$.
The things you need are
  • flowers
  • cardboard
  • scissors
  • hot glue gun and sticks
  • embellishments:bead, jewel, button,etc.
  • and clip or pin
Now, you just cut the flowers off the stems, use 5-6 to make a whole one. Use a square piece of cardboard( about an inch) as base for flowers, glue them  in circle, leave room for embellishment(s). If you want a bigger flower then make 3 in middle with 7 going around, make them the same color or different, like shown in picture. Finally, glue embellishment in the middle, glue pin or clip on back and tada, cute accessory!

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